Hi there! My name is Nicholas Timms, and I’m a retired business analyst. Welcome to my blog, where I am detailing my development as an online digital marketer.
A little about me:
I’m based in Poole, Dorset and Bergerac, France and have wanted to develop streams of passive income for a number of years. My journey began around 2007 when I first became interested in marketing digital products. However, at the time I was a full-time director and business analyst. I tried to persuade my fellow directors that digital marketing was a brilliant direction for us to move in but without success. I then became very busy for the next few years and put my plans on the back burner. Finally, having sold my mainstream business and, with the help of my partner, I am setting out on my delayed journey. Follow my progress on this blog and see how a man in his mid sixties, a man who, though experienced in business, is hopeless at IT and is a real newbie when it comes to making money online.
In addition to developing my online business, I love to spend time in South West France with my partner enjoying a slower, more rural lifestyle. I am a yachtsman with a boat in Poole and my partner and I also enjoy skiing. Most of all we enjoy travelling and experiencing different cultures, cuisines and exploring. We want to develop our online business to supplement our income so we can travel even more and spend more time sailing and experiencing beautiful places around the world.
Why I started this blog:
This blog was created as a way to document our business development. Our successes, and our failures and challenges. I will cover everything from our initial faltering steps as my goal is to share all our experiences and help others who are hoping to achieve the freedom that a passive online income can provide.. Whether you’re here to learn about developing and marketing digital products, or just to follow along on our journey, I’m so glad you’re here!
Thank you for stopping by and getting to know me a little better. I look forward to sharing more with you!